It was a private celebration ART Show in Portland, Oregon.

Shumei Portland 2nd Anniversary~

I am honored for celebrating beautiful community with my artworks!
It was a great full and thankful’s fate through @portlandsaturdaymarket to meet them.
Thank you so much.

This was a private celebration art show on 23th August, 2020.
We were wearing the mask all the time and social distance. Please do not worry, Be Happy. Thank you.

I love your smile with my art.
Thank you so much for inviting my art for celebrating Shumei-san’s beautiful community.
It was such an amazing experience in this cosmic. I feel so much love and harmony. 
Love is an answer.
Thank you so much for all. Arigatou gozaimazu.


I will be back to Portrand Saturday Market on 29th August 2020!


Step by Step